Understanding Hough Transform With Python
The Hough transform (Duda and Hart, 1972), which started out as a technique to detect lines in an image, has been generalised and extended to detect curves in 2D and 3D. Here, we understand how an ima
The Hough transform (Duda and Hart, 1972), which started out as a technique to detect lines in an image, has been generalised and extended to detect curves in 2D and 3D. Here, we understand how an ima
Install the package manager Homebrew. It beats MacPorts any day. Go ahead and install OpenCV: $ brew install opencv If all is well, it should be available at: /usr/local/Cellar/opencv/2.4.9 Create
GoalAutomatically run user-driven tests (BDD) with SlimerJS for testing on Gecko (firefox) and PhantomJS for WebKit (chrome/safari) on the continuous integration platform, CircleCI. Auto testing on Ci
Discovered window tiling for my Mac and absolutely love it! Its open-source, light-weight and does what I need:spectacleapp Shortcuts to snap any application to left-half, right-half, quarter, thirds.
ScenarioI have an analysis service that is invoked by posting data via its API.Since the processing could be long-running, it is best to return a response to the caller and continue with the data. G
You have to read Ready Player One (2011) by Ernest Cline! I have a major soft spot for utopian and dystopian future societies and characters. Throw in immersive virtual reality, artificial intelligenc
GoalTo deploy a Python web app with various mathematical, scientific, text-processing packages to a cloud hosting platform-as-a-service. My required 3rd-party Python packages/modules: Numpy (fundamen
MaxJax is an open-source JavaScript display engine for LaTeX, MathML, and AsciiMath notation that works in all modern browsers. 1) Add the MathJax script from cdn into your HTML. I use the TeX syntax
GoalI wanted to show math equations in my github README.md Update: I now use MathJax to view math equations in markdown. I use dropbox to show images in this blog. How to show math equations in the br
Goal:You have a node module and want in on npm registry for others to use by simply running: npm install <your_module_name> Prerequisites Install nodejs At least the following 3 files: package.
I procrastinated, now I shall blogAfter storing years of life stories in my head, I’ve finally decided to blog.In my defence, Ive tried many times. I have several online blogs, many to-do lists and sc